Saturday, June 30, 2012

Google I/O conference 2012

June 27th-29th 2012 saw the Google I/O conference take place in the Moscone Center in San Francisco. Following on from the potal's appearance on the Google Developers showcase listing of sites they like (as we reported in May), the Old Maps Online team were invited to present the portal at this event.

The conference which is organised by Google to highlight new innovations and products to developers will show the portal on slides as an example of best practice with styled maps. Vaclav Klusak of Klokan Technologies GmbH represented the project at this prestigious event.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

OpenLayers OL3 Sprint event

This week Petr is one of seven people working together on a major new version of OpenLayers envisioned as having two options, one for img/SVG/VML/Canvas files and another for WebGL (Canvas 3D) which would allow client side editing and being able to see things in perspective. They are discussing architecture, the library and a new API.

For more details of the discussions take a look at the project blog, whilst progress will be reported here:

Saturday, June 23, 2012

"The best search service for historical maps yet built"

On June 15th, Old Maps Online was presented at the Europeana Plenary meeting in Belgium. Europeana is the European digital library hub. More details of the meeting here, but we have to quote this bit:
Second up was Petr Pridal who spoke about Old Maps Online, the technology it builds on and how this map project took help from the public in getting 1000 maps geo-referenced in a couple of days. I invited Petr because Old Maps Online is the best search service for historical maps yet built. And also because he combines entrepeneurial spirit with technical insight in a way that I think is sorely needed among GLAMs.
This bit about "getting 1000 maps geo-referenced in a couple of days" is of course mainly about the separate British Library project. Petr's presentation is here.

Presenting at Geoforum: Old Maps Online and Historic Digimap

On Wednesday June 20th we exhibited Old Maps Online at EDINA's annual Geoforum event, held this year at the National Railway Museum in York, and gave a short presentation.

Geoforum is mostly about publicising EDINA's own geospatial services, of which Digimap is probably the most heavily used, including Historic Digimap. Enhancements to Digimap were announced, and another of the short presentations was from Landmark Information, who supply the content for Historic Digimap.

Like Old Maps Online, Digimap Historic is also funded by JISC, so why have two separate services?
  • To most users of Old Maps Online, there is a very obvious answer: they are not staff or students at a UK university, so they have no access to Historic Digimap. However, in a real sense our being an open access site is a problem for us: given that every penny of our funding comes from the Higher Education Funding Council for England, surely there are better things they can spend money on that a web site providing Americans with easier access to American map libraries? One answer is that because Old Maps Online does not hold any maps, only information about how to find maps, it runs on the most basic server our university can supply us with, so it would not be any cheaper to run even if we limited access to it. Further, people in UK universities are not interested only in the UK, and want access to as many maps as possible; but to get the assistance we need from librarians outside the UK universities we need to be seen to be improving access for their user communities as well -- so everybody wins! (still, we hope the rest of the world shows some gratitude to the UK tax payers ...)
  • Historic Digimap provides access only to old Ordnance Survey maps digitised by Landmark Information, at scales of 1:10,560 (six inches to one mile) and more detailed, while most of the maps accessible via Old Maps Online are much less detailed. A user on Presurfer, a genealogical blog, said about Old Maps Online "Not a bad resource, but the range of maps is fairly narrow and the of fairly poor scale. The best scale they offer for my area (the UK) seems to be 1 inch to the mile (1:63,360). [Landmark's direct sales site] offers a wider range of mapping for more dates on a much better scale. ... If you're interested in looking into the past of an area you really need large scale maps." If you zoom in hard within Old Maps Online on anywhere in Scotland, or a few other places, you will find we can and do provide access to exactly the kind of maps "Gareth" wants. However, we don't agree that larger scale is simply better: six inch maps are good for showing you your ancestor's house, but useless for giving you a sense of where their home town or village was, and absurd for tracing the progress of a war.
  • Given that Old Maps Online is not a map library but a search portal, the real comparison should be not with Historic Digimap but with EDINA's GoGeo geospatial discovery service. When Old Maps Online was first discussed, one idea was to develop it as an extension to GoGeo. However, we concluded that GoGeo was too "GIS-sy" for our purposes and it was better to base the project on MapRank Search, Klokan Technologies existing software for map libraries. Another interesting comparison, in fact, is between Old Maps Online and OpenGeoportal, software developed by a consortium of US research libraries which unlike GoGeo does provide access to old maps as well as to more conventional geospatial datasets. OpenGeoportal-based systems can be access here, for example, and my sense is that people with GIS training will prefer it to Old Maps Online, because of the extra functionality, but most of the planet will find it too complex. NB most of the historical maps in OpenGeoportal come from the Harvard collection, and we will be adding that collection in our next release, so everyone will be able to compare the two styles of search interface.
Different strokes for different folks ...

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

JISC Programme Manager's visit

Spinnaker Tower

Friday last week saw a visit by our new JISC Programme Manager, Peter Findlay, to the project team in Portsmouth. As this was his first trip to see us he spent the time meeting the team here (Humphrey, Paula and John) and talking about the project. Topics discussed covered progress so far, plans for the remainder of the project, our outstanding issues, mostly concerned with copyright, and how he might be able to facilitate a resolution to these issues.

After lunch he was pleased to see work in progress, including a world map showing plotted corner points of digitised maps from a new set of metadata which is currently being edited for inclusion in the portal.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Presentation & Steering Group meeting at the British Library

We have just had the second team meeting which was held in Portsmouth and involved Klokan Technologies and the Great Britain Historical GIS Project team. Discussions covered a wide range of issues including; the remaining aims of the project; future publicity and how to encourage the host institutions to link their website map pages directly back into Old Maps Online; reviewing other possible map contributors; progress and relationships with existing contributors; software enhancements; sustainability issues. We made significant progress in plans for all these areas and now have to put them into action.

Following on from the Portsmouth meeting we also held the second Steering Group Meeting in London. Members of the group discussed progress to date, collaborating and possible additional contributors, the need for a contributors licence where catalogue data is not already available through Creative Commons, publicity and website links, and details regarding the final Steering Group meeting which will be held prior to a one-day workshop being organised in Edinburgh.
Petr Pridal at the British Library

After lunch Petr Pridal gave a lecture about the project and portal to a group of British Library staff. He was introduced by Adam Farquhar, Head of Digital Scholarship at the British Library. This presentation was followed by a smaller, more focussed discussion arising from the content of the lecture.