Once you have a georeference for your maps, MapTiler can greatly simplify the rest of the publishing process. It is as easy to use as Zoomify: it generates tiles from your maps and you just place those tiles on your web server in the same way you did with Zoomify tiles.

A simple presentation similar to Grand Canyon USGS raster map example is generated by the MapTiler automatically.
But you can go further. You can put on the map some placemarks, add search functionality, overlay other data or different raster maps etc. just by playing with the template and modify a bit the JavaScript code.
If you plan to create such mashups with map tiles you should read the Google Maps API documentation or alternatively you can use OpenLayers open-source project if you don't want to depend on a commercial company like Google.

It also contains all the math you might need to overlay your own geodata from external sources be it tiles pre-generated by Maptiler/GDAL2Tiles, MSR MapCruncher, tiles generated dynamically by WMS servers and cached by TileCache etc.
The online tool visualizing the tiles is available here:
BTW Some old maps were published with the beta version of the MapTiler/GDAL2Tiles already. Have a look at Historical Map Overlays from National Library of Scotland: http://geo.nls.uk/maps/.