Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Presentation & Steering Group meeting at the British Library

We have just had the second team meeting which was held in Portsmouth and involved Klokan Technologies and the Great Britain Historical GIS Project team. Discussions covered a wide range of issues including; the remaining aims of the project; future publicity and how to encourage the host institutions to link their website map pages directly back into Old Maps Online; reviewing other possible map contributors; progress and relationships with existing contributors; software enhancements; sustainability issues. We made significant progress in plans for all these areas and now have to put them into action.

Following on from the Portsmouth meeting we also held the second Steering Group Meeting in London. Members of the group discussed progress to date, collaborating and possible additional contributors, the need for a contributors licence where catalogue data is not already available through Creative Commons, publicity and website links, and details regarding the final Steering Group meeting which will be held prior to a one-day workshop being organised in Edinburgh.
Petr Pridal at the British Library

After lunch Petr Pridal gave a lecture about the project and portal to a group of British Library staff. He was introduced by Adam Farquhar, Head of Digital Scholarship at the British Library. This presentation was followed by a smaller, more focussed discussion arising from the content of the lecture.

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